I am an Indiblogger

Monday, 14 February 2022



                                                                জাগৃতি রায় 

নিঃশব্দ আর্তনাদে মেতে উঠছে শহর |

শুধু শহর নয়, সর্বত্র এ যন্ত্রণা প্রখর |

শৈশব থেতলে দেওয়া মানুষের আর্তচিৎকার

শব্দের যাত্রাপথের পাকদন্ডী পেরিয়ে শুনছেন কি ঈশ্বর?

যখন প্রাচীন যন্ত্রনার বিস্ফোরণে ধ্বনিত চতুর্দিক,

আমরা নির্লজ্জ আঙুল তুলছি তাদেরই দিকে!

তুমি একপেশে, তুমি চোর, তুমি বিদ্বেষী!

পরাস্ত করতে চাইছি দীর্ঘ সময় জমিয়ে রাখা আগুন |

কিন্তু, এ আগুন নেভার নয়, সে জ্বলবে |

জ্বালিয়ে দিয়ে বদলা নেবে সব ভর্ৎসনার |

অপাঙতেয় সেই মানুষগুলো ঘুড়ে দাঁড়াবেই,

জবাব দেবে সব অপমান আর যন্ত্রনার |


Sunday, 13 June 2021

That Day It Rained and Other Stories


                                                  -Rimli Bhattacharya

When it comes to reading stories written by the author Rimli Bhattacharya, I always know that now I am going to get satisfied with the close knitting of the stories. She knows how to bind emotions with an exact writing style. She knows how to serve it to a voracious reader so that their quest for reading gets quenched properly. And, I will admit that I am one of those readers who enjoy her creative inventions from day one. Now, I am reading her short story book “That Day It Rained and Other Stories” which contains twenty-two short stories in total. Like always, this time also she hasn’t failed to mesmerize me with her creation.

Each story of this book says a daily life experience of any common people like us. We experience similar emotional ups and downs regularly. So, when you will find the same story in a storybook you will feel connected instantly. This is the main creative success of an eminent storyteller like Rimli Bhattacharya. She knows how to hook her readers to a story and increase their interest to read more from her from the first story of her book. And, it is needless to say that she remains successful all the time.

Then if you are getting interested to give it try then I am providing you the Goodreads link to the book. As a reader, I will always want those other readers can come to know and read the masterpiece of short story collections being published in contemporary times.

Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57388290-that-day-it-rained-and-other-stories?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=7QYMNaevsG&rank=1


The Crosshairs of Life


                                                      - Rimli Bhattacharya

It’s been a long time for me to read a crispy short story collection book that keeps me moving through the emotional roller coaster ride. And, guess what! My path crossed with an amazing book written by author Rimli Bhattacharya, a few days back. Her versatility of thoughts and writing style kept me hooked to her creative baby, “The Crosshairs of Life”, her short story collection book. Whether in my solitude on a rainy afternoon or on a sleepless night, I find the book being my companion beside me. I can’t express how much I felt connected with her thoughts and emotions. It was expected from a versatile and experienced writer like her that she will easily get all her readers in the same boat while narrating the story and she successfully did so. In short, I have thoroughly enjoyed each story. It was like, fifteen stories carry fifteen different emotions and messages that we come across every day in our daily life. These stories have shown both happy and sad parts of life so vividly that for an instance it seems like the author is telling your story and you have faced all these things before, you are quite familiar with them. And this is the main attraction of this storybook.

So, “The Crosshairs of Life” written by Rimli Bhattacharya, Published by Notion Press claims to be a gem in your book collection. If you also want to delve into the world of mesmerizing short stories then don’t hesitate to grab your copy. The Goodreads link is provided here for your help.

Goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/54197280-the-crosshairs-of-life?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=7mEjRmLAc3&rank=1

Wednesday, 9 June 2021


- Sharmistha Mukherjee

Got a chance to read an amazing literary work after so many years. Yes, you have guessed it right! "Paradise at My Shore" is the literary gem, I am talking about. Author Sharmistha Mukherjee has left me aback by her creativity and aesthetic knowledge. She divided her book into three main heads, namely poetry section, prose section, and a daily thought sharing platform as "Just A Thought." Being a poet myself, I can't imagine the ease of mastery she has shown in all these three sections of literature. Every single work will take you to another world of emotion. You will start to find yourself in every situation explained here. You will continue an emotional journey till the last page of this book.

I was kinda hooked with this book and have read it several times as I wanted to live and enjoy that journey again and again.  Apart from this, I was mesmerized by the sketches she has created to visualize her thoughts on a small piece of paper. The photographs she took only prove the level of her creativity. Sketches and photographs have been relevantly used with some write-ups that add an extra pinch of sweetness to it. Last but not least that I would appreciate the new kind of  style she has introduced in literature that a poetry, mini-essays and prose can be combinedly make a book perfect with some pictorial representation.

I will wait eagerly to read more such literary masterpieces from the author as I thoroughly enjoyed the emotional roller coaster ride she offered me to experience. I loved her creative work. I wish her more success for her book and future projects. 

goodreads link: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/58272284-paradise-at-my-shore?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=Q8sret0bsb&rank=1

Thursday, 3 September 2020


An Episode of Gloom


Nature will heal herself without our help.

She knows how to take care of everybody.

Nature guards us, taking aside her selfish-self.

She is the reason for our daily happy rhapsody.


But, we are not as decent as it seems to be.

We have jeopardized and exploited our nature.

Our dishonor has stopped her blooming spree.

We forget how sincerely she loved us as our mother.


Now, we are afraid enough to lose our life.

We never cared about these threats before.

We overlooked when nature was losing her vibe.

Mere profits and mundane things were preferred more.


We are getting paid for the crime we did.

Self-control was something with urgent need.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

রেশম  ঝাঁপির  "তিতলি" দিয়ে যাত্রা  শুরু করে ময়ূরপঙ্খীর "তিসাম", এই মুহূর্তে বাংলার  প্রতিটি  ঘরের বহু চর্চিত নাম সোহিনী গুহ রায়। লক ডাউনের এই দীর্ঘ ছুটিতে আমাদের আজকের আড্ডার সঙ্গী তিনিই।

১।অভিনয়ে  কিভাবে আসা?
➧ছোটবেলা থেকে আমি কলকাতায় বড়ো হইনি। আমার হোমটাউন কোচবিহার। ওখানে থেকে আমরা নাচ, গান শিখতাম। সেখান থেকেই নাচের প্রতি আমার ইন্টারেস্ট আসে আর সেটা পর্দায়  তুলে ধরার ইচ্ছা হয়। কলকাতায় আসার পরও আমি নাচ শিখেছি,ভারতনাট্যমে বিশারদ করেছি। যেহেতু অভিনয় আর নাচ দুটোতেই এক্সপ্রেশন একটা কমন দিক তাই কলকাতা আসার পর অভিনয়ের প্রতিও ইন্টারেস্ট আসে যেটা কোচবিহারে থাকার সময় সেভাবে অনুভব করিনি। এখানে আসার পর মনে হলো এখানে চান্স নিয়ে দেখি। তার পর ছোট একটা কাজ করি, সেখান থেকেই শুরু।

২।  আপনার প্রিয় অভিনেতা কে?
➧এখনকার সময় অনেকেই আছে যাদের ভালো লাগে। টলিউডে আবীর চ্যাটার্জী, প্রসেনজিৎ চ্যাটার্জীকে ভালো লাগে। বলিউডে রণবীর সিং আর দীপিকা পাড়ুকোনকে  ভালো লাগে।

৩। এই লক ডাউনের সময় তো সর্বত্র শ্যুটিং বন্ধ। আপনার যারা ফ্যান আছেন, যারা আপনার কাজ ধারাবাহিকভাবে দেখেন, তাদের জন্য কি বার্তা দিতে চান?
➧আমার একটা কাজ খুব তাড়াতাড়িই আসার কথা ছিল। আশা করি লক ডাউনের পরে সেটা দর্শকেরা দেখতে পাবেন। আর এমনিতেও আমরা শ্যুটিং তাড়াতাড়ি শুরু করবো আশা করি। এখন শুধুমাত্র বাড়িতে থেকে সরকারি গাইডলাইন মেনে চলা আর নিজের সুরক্ষা নিশ্চিত করা ছাড়া আর কোনো উপায়েই নেই। এই পরিস্থিতিতে আমরা সবাই এতটাই হেল্পলেস।

৪। লক ডাউনে সবাই যখন নিজের নিজের হবি গুলো নিয়ে সময় কাটাচ্ছে, সেখানে আপনার হবির বিষয় কিছু বলুন।
➧সেভাবে বলতে গেলে হবি  প্রচুর আছে যেগুলো আমি করতে চাই। যেমন লক ডাউন শুরু হতেই প্রচুর রান্না করছিলাম আর সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে শেয়ারও করেছি। কিন্তু কিছুদিন পরেই মনে হয়েছে রান্নাটা আর করতে ইচ্ছা করছেনা। আসলে রান্না বা ঘরের কাজের ক্ষেত্রে আমি খুব মুডি, মুড হলে আমি এগুলো করতে পারি নাহলে করিনা। যেহেতু ছোটবেলাতে টানা কয়েকবছর (যদিও খুব কম ) আমি আঁকা শিখেছি তাই ছবি আঁকাও আমার একটা হবি যেটা এইসময় করেছি। এছাড়াও আমার বই পড়তে ভালো লাগে। এরকমও অনেক সময় হয় যখন আমি মেকআপ রুমে বসেও বই পড়ি , এতে নিজের মতো করে একলা কিছুটা সময় কাটানো যায়। তাই রান্না আর ছবি আঁকার  সাথে সাথে বই পড়া, সিনেমা দেখা, সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে সময় কাটানোও চলছে।

৫। এতদিন লক ডাউনে থেকে  সবাই  যখন বোর হচ্ছে। সেখানে আপনার কি মনে হয়? কিভাবে এই ব্যাপারটাতে নিজেকে মোটিভেট করা যায়?
➧এই ব্যাপারটা আমিও ব্যক্তিগতভাবে ফেস করেছি। লক ডাউন শুরু হওয়ার সময় মনে হয়েছিল যে বেশ কয়েকদিন ছুটি পাওয়া যাবে।কাজের সূত্রে আমরা হয়তো সবাই এটা  চেয়েছি যে একটু ব্রেক পাওয়া ভালো হতো।  কিন্তু এখন এই ব্রেকটা একটু খারাপের দিকেই যাচ্ছে। এই মুহূর্তে যেটা সবথেকে প্রয়োজন সেটা হলো মাইন্ড স্টেবিলাইজ করা, কোনোভাবেই ডেমোটিভেটেড না হওয়া। যারা ডেমোটিভেটেড হচ্ছে তাদের উদ্দেশ্যে বলবো, সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে শুধুমাত্র কোভিড -১৯ সম্পর্কিত খবর না শেয়ার করে, অন্য অনেক বিষয় রয়েছে যেটা শেয়ার করা যায়। এই খবর গুলো জানার জন্যে নিউজ চ্যানেলগুলো রয়েছে, আর আমাদের জীবনের অনেক ভালো ভালো দিক আছে  যা আমরা সোশ্যাল মিডিয়াতে শেয়ার করতে পারি। কারণ, এগুলো দেখে মানুষ যদি আরো ডেমোটিভেটেড হয় তখন তাদের মাইন্ড স্টেবিলাইজ  করতে অসুবিধা হবে, আর এইমুহূর্তে এটা করা ছাড়া আমাদের দ্বিতীয় কোনো অপসন নেই। এভাবেই বাড়িতে থেকে নিজেকে নিজে এন্টারটেইন করতে হবে।
কলমে - জাগৃতি রায়
কৃতজ্ঞতা - অস্কার বিশ্বাস 

Wednesday, 14 August 2019

An Evening to Take Bow to Brave Hearts

It all started on this 11th August when an emerging lady entrepreneur and media enthusiast of the city, Ms. Angela Raha, decided to take a bow to the brave hearts of different fields though presenting Aparajito Samman 2019 in Monotel, Kolkata. “Bhoy korona joy koro” (Be fearless to win) being the tag line of the event it was so obvious that this event podium is going to know about some fearless minds who managed to surpass the fear and dilemma and make a mark in their very own style. 
The impact and influence of their achievements influenced thousands of young minds that could have gotten aloof if they lacked the motivation from their brave heart heroes and sheroes. And here lies the need and success of Aparajito Samman 2019 in this contemporary time because it has become so normal nowadays to call it a quit whenever somebody faces the slightest sort of failure and lack of confidence. 
So, Aparajito Samman 2019 is not only about to felicitate the brave hearts but also about conveying the message to the society and especially to the younger generations to never call it a quit.
The star-studded award evening started with Ganesh Vandana performed by two youngest talents from the dance diva Indrani Ganguly’s dance school. Later on, various fashion and style divas set the podium on fire by their glamour and glitter. The whos who of Tollywood film Industry like Actress Priyanka Sarkar, Moubani Sorcar, Sayantani Guhathakurta, Arijit Dutta, famous Musician of CACTUS fame Siddhartha Ray, Jhumki Sen, Bengali silver screen heartthrobs like Moumita Pandit, Indrajit Mazumder, Sayanta Modak, Raj Bhattacharyya, Hritojeet Chattopadhyay, Dipanjjan Basak, Rajdeep Sarkar, Rezwan Rabbani Sheikh, Celebrity photographer Tathagata Ghosh, well-known director Satrajit Sen, Ranadeep Sarkar, Ayanjit Sen, Mainak Karmakar, Prof. Sujoy Biswas, Eeron Roy Barman, Indrani Ganguly, Suparna Mukherjee, Tanmay Basak and Aniruddha Das came on stage to celebrate their Aparajito fame one after another. 
Rather than being only an award evening, Aparajito Samman touched a thousand hearts by engaging a cultural performance from the specially-abled peoples of our society. This reminds us that they are the humans from whom we can take the learning that giving up should never be a choice as we are here to live and win. 
It was a surreal moment for both them and the celebrities being awarded when they got the chance to present the award to their favorite artists. The Rakshabandhan ceremony was also another heartfelt moment when those gifted people got the chance, to tie rakhi they made by their own, on the wrist of their favorite artists. The event ended with a yummy cake cutting season contributed from the sweet time partner of the event, Mio Amore. 
The last but not the least is achieving an award as “Emerging Social Media Team 2019” by our YouTube channel Team GIA which was also social media partner of the Aparajito Samman 2019 event.

Saturday, 11 May 2019

Unfolding the Life of a mystery woman...

By Jagriti Roy (Blogger)

If you consider yourself to be a film buff then it is needless to mention that a good cinema from any era will fascinate you. Actually, I need to say that not only the movie itself but also the artists who are portraying the story will also hook you to watch more of their work. Bengali films have always marked their golden presence in Indian as well as International cinema. So, the artists of Bengali cinema have also made their mark irrespective of the time and age of the viewers. The charm, charisma and the enigma in their persona have made them more desirable.
Independent Filmmaker & Creative Entrepreneur Abhishek Ganguli forayed into sharing such untold stories about Silver Screen personalities through his initiative “Cinema for a Cause”.
Cinema for a Cause” is the experimental film making wing of  Abhishek’s regular creative management outfit “Learning System”. The tagline “Simple Cinema……. Touching Lives” is  enough to convey the actual aim of the initiative.
 A few years back, Abhishek  created  a film on legendary actress Ms. Lolita Chatterjee, who not only ruled the silver screen of both Tollywood  and Bollywood film industry but also swayed many hearts in that contemporary time.
Today, we will do a tête-à-tête with  Abhishek to know the stories behind the making of his landmark movie “Diva Lolita” which is based on the journey, work, life and experience of actress Lolita Chatterjee, who left her heavenly abode on 9th May 2018.
Watch “Diva Lolita” on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ha9YFtYehvY

Interview Highlights:
Ø What is the first thing that urged you to make “Diva Lolita”?
Every day I used to go for a morning walk that I am my regular regime to  the Rabindra Sarovar lakes, which is in south Kolkata. Every morning when I used to pass Desapriyo Park from Lansdowne, I used to see that on the second-floor balcony of a house, a stunning looking old woman used to stand alone gazing towards the sky. Every day she used to stand on that veranda and look outside around that time….
 ……. I  used to wonder who she is but I never got an answer. One day, I was talking to the local people and they all said that she is a very famous actress Lolita Chaterjee who lives there. I could remember that I had seen one or two of her films during my childhood days.  It was through my father-in-law Mr. Animesh Sen’s close friend Mr. Gautam Mukherjee that I could reach Lolita as Gautam was a very close friend of hers. 
With his reference I and my other friend Actor Gautam Shankar we went to Lolita’s house and had a talk with her regarding creating a documentary on her. I asked her whether any films have been made on her or not and she said no.
Firstly, she was much intrigued about why I was interested to do a film on her as she was quite dejected about the way Tollygunge film Industry had cast her aside not utilizing her full potential. I told her about my passion to work on artists who have kind of blurred from the memory of the audience to bring them back into the gaze of the present generation…Lolita was a Diva in her own right and represented the golden era of the Bengali Film Industry. As a Filmmaker, I thought it was my creative responsibility to share her story and that’s how it all happened.

Ø While interviewing actress Lolita Chatterjee, which aspect did you find in her that remained unexplored to the audience?
Lolita has always remained as a mystery woman. Even while shooting there was one melancholic side of her persona  that her eyes revealed  but she never divulged it,
A woman who was extremely beautiful, erudite and enlightened though mostly unsung and misunderstood by the society during those times.  She was much ahead of those times…maybe today’s generation could have identified more with her modernity... The entire film was shot in a day and as it was a zero budget project. It was an interview styled shooting and amidst the interview,  slices and images of her life came in……..  that’s how we had conceptualized the flow. 

The film ends with an eighty-year-old Lolita, gazing endlessly towards one of her own young portraits hanging on the wall. Maybe she was reminiscing her glorious past …. May be she was trying to find out what more life had in store for her or she was trying to get an answer as to why the society and the film industry failed to use the fantastic potential she had as an actress and a singer. So, we have left the film in a questioning note and we wanted the audience to interpret with their own perception.
Diva Lolita was the heartthrob of millions….we wanted to have this heartbeat felt by each one who watched the Documentary...

What/who was your inspiration to make this kind of film?
I always thought of bringing out people who are in darkness……who once were shining stars... And that is how “Diva Lolita” came about….Exploring the Dazzling Sensation Lolita was and she vanishes into the oblivion.
Ø How do you think your work is going to reach out to the new age filmmakers?
Very unfortunately, nowadays new age filmmakers either create something that goes above our heads being extremely layered &  intellectual or they make films which are run of the mill and start to end commercial just to have the box office ringing. My style is more dealing with real people and I hardly take actors.
 In case Diva Lolita…… Lolita Chatterjee is Lolita., I wouldn’t take someone else to impersonate Lolita and play as Lolita on screen.
Most of my films are like docu-features where they tell stories with small fictional flavor yet still they retain the inherent characters of a documentary as all the facts are real. The stylisation of “Diva Lolita” was also the same... Apart from that, the “Cinema for a Cause” tagline mentions  “Simple Cinema……. Touching Lives”. If I can touch the lives of the audience and make them relate to the subject, I would consider the entire work of “Diva Lolita”  successful. 
Ø If you ever got a chance to work with her what kind of role you would offer her?
If I ever had to cast Lolita in a fictional film, as she was extremely versatile so she could fit into many powerful  roles.  The only  physical disadvantage I would say was her stunning  looks and powerful screen persona which would not fit into typical Bengali Roles.
 She was 5’9” and extremely glamorous so de-glamorized roles could be difficult for her to be portrayed visually. So, if I had to cast her I would make her the central character of the film. Someone who was extremely stunning and strong, modern and much ahead of her times.  
Ø Do you think “Diva Lolita” is going to inspire Gen Y film audience to know more about the golden age artists?
The renaissance or the golden age of Bengali films were during the ’60s, 70’s and early the ’80s. In that time a lot of good directors and scripts were the selling points of the Bengali film industry. That originality is hardly seen today,
 My next documentary “Timeless Tunes” is on Sudhin Dasgupta, a versatile composer, lyricist of the Golden Era of Bengali Films.
“Little Flower”. another of my film portrays the life of the Queen of Park Street, the Cabaret Dancer Ms. Shefali,.
 All these creations  are my tributes to the golden era of Bengali films because at that time Bengali film was really worth watching and talking about... All my initiatives under  “Cinema for a Cause” aspire to  showcase the golden era of  Bengali films and the originality & creative brilliance they showcased.

Ø Do you think knowing about the lives of  veteran artists are equally important while watching their works?
Knowing more about the artists whose lives are shrouded by mystery becomes interesting Film Subjects... For me, Lolita and Shefali, both the ladies were misunderstood …misrepresented….and sort of ostracized from the society ….they have been survivors of neglect….I thought their stories must be told.
The sex appeal, the attractive persona, ahead of times attitude are the reasons behind that.
Can we expect more such monumental films from “Cinema for a Cause” in the future?
“Timeless Tunes” on the life of versatile Musical genius Sudhin Dasgupta is coming up very soon….just keep following our Virtual Creative Space for Updates.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Book Review: YES, I MET MARUTI by Daxesh Trivedi

Welcome to bookworm's den! So, the title "Book of The Month" goes to "Yes, I Met Maruti" written by Daxesh Trivedi. I am so glad to share with you guys that it was an amazing journey to read out the book. It took a week to complete the whole story. I just want to say a big thanks to Author Daxesh Trivedi for sharing this vivid story with us.

                           (Don't Forget to add this gem into your Book Gallery)

Yes, I Met Maruti is the tale of a common university goer Jay. How does career and love life gets entangled with each other is the main focal point of the whole story. The story took me to a vibrant land of colors and charm called Gujrat where the story is mainly based in. The easy and neat flow of language makes the book reading journey comfortable. Sometimes, love, career, and passion demand the same quantity of attention from us and our choice of ways among them decides our priority. Apart from a vibrant life story, Yes, I Met Maruti takes the reader to a Saurashtrian voyage which is another sweet part of the book. A cute picture of a small "Gada of Maruti" upon the "a" of "Maruti" seems the sweetest part of the book cover. I loved it.

Also, Check Out: 
A Bookworm's Helping Hand to Another One From Her Clan:  https://www.flipkart.com/yes-met-maruti/p/itmfchmetfgpgqre?pid=9789353470456&lid=LSTBOK97893534704561KUN6L&marketplace=FLIPKART&srno=s_1_1&otracker=search&fm=SEARCH&iid=ad95424a-87db-408a-8290-08464258723a.9789353470456.SEARCH&ppt=CLP&ppn=CLP%3Abooks-store&ssid=2k4nvaj4hc0000001551104449866&qH=88cd617fb498e463A Bookworm's helping hand to another from her clan: https://www.flipkart.com/yes-met-maruti/p/itmfchmetfgpgqre?pid=9789353470456&lid=LSTBOK97893534704561KUN6L&marketplace=FLIPKART&srno=s_1_1&otracker=search&fm=SEARCH&iid=ad95424a-87db-408a-8290-08464258723a.9789353470456.SEARCH&ppt=CLP&ppn=CLP%3Abooks-store&ssid=2k4nvaj4hc0000001551104449866&qH=88cd617fb498e463

Wednesday, 20 February 2019

Authors Interview: Dr. Manisha Yadava

1. How will you describe your writing journey till now?
Ans: My journey has been rather smooth and good I’ve learned a lot and try to incorporate new things in my writing. I’ve been appreciated a lot for my writing and appreciation always feels good. 

2. Do you think regional language literature is facing any kind of threat from English literature nowadays?
Ans:  Yes! Regional language literature is facing threat from English because the younger generation just not want to read anything other than English, hence the regional literature is dying out. 

3. How will you describe the connection of poetry with our daily life?
Ans: Things I write about related to things that happen in my day-to-day life I just refine them and pen them down
4. How do you think that a writer's own life influences his/her thoughts which they pen down?
Ans: writer’ own life may or may not influence his/thoughts, as a writer one tries to look into a lot of perspectives and emotions , he/she even writes according to 3rd person point of view. 

5. How and when you discovered your passion for writing?
Ans: like I’ve said earlier , I didn’t choose writing rather writing has chosen me. I started playing with the world when I was in 9th class. 

6. What is the most difficult part of writing and publishing a book according to you?
Ans: Sometime , we do get stuck and are not able to move forward with our writing , it’s not always easy to pen your thoughts. 
Where as publishing I’d concerned it’s not difficult you just have to find a good publisher for yourself. 
7. From your initial days to today's scenario, how it feels when you look back to your journey?
Ans: I think I’ve grown a lot , I look at all my failures and struggles with utmost pride , everything has taught me something and I’m thankful for everything. 

8. What are the common trap that should be avoided by the new commers into the literature world? What will be your advice to them?
Ans: the game is not about earning money , your goal should be to touch the hearts of the masses , one should write for the people not for the money. 

9. How was your experience during your initial days? Who inspired you the most in this journey?
Ans : In 2014 my kids urged me to create my Facebook page(Mere khayal). The success of my page and my kids inspired me to compile my thoughts in the form of a book. In 2017 I approached Notion press and from there my journey began.

10. How was your feeling when you held your first published book for the first time?

Ans: It’s felt the same as holding my first born did. I was filled with joy , it was a special feeling , I can’t forget the day I held my 1st published book for the 1st time.

Saturday, 9 February 2019

Book Review by LITEROMA PUBLISHING SERVICES:: "Flights of Fantasy" by Dr. Sujata Chatterjee

** Thanks to the author for sharing a review copy of the book.**

"Flights of Fantasy" by Dr. Sujata Chatterjee is a collection of thirteen short stories written in simple English language. Some of them really stand apart even compared to other contemporary popular books by marquee writers. I loved these two stories 'Granny's day out' and 'The holiday project' especially because of their story concept and differential thoughts expressed by the author. 

The cover design of the book is very different from the usual ones we keep finding these days that may be because of another striking aspect of the book and that is none other than the publisher - The London Miscellany. This book looks more like a sophisticated international magazine than a typical storybook and that's the beauty. 

For a reader, the differential aspects of this book earn it an additional star in the rating. I enjoyed reading the book very much.

Overall Literoma rates it as 5*/5* and recommends for relaxing reading.

Saturday, 20 October 2018


My soft skin get wounded and stressed,
but I fail to protest every time.
My lips are stitched in such a way that shows a smile
and not allowed to get puckered. 

My adorable soft colorful hands get scratched
but I fail to protest every time. 
Just because it's your show in which I work
you keep pulling the strings that are attached. 

My eyes, those cheerful eyes get drenched.
Not in tears of pain but due to strain,
but I fail to close them in that time too.
It reminds me those dreadful outcomes that I faced.

My soft colorful clothes are getting torn.
My cheerful smile and shine are fading away.
But I have to keep my mouth shut anyway,
as not my pain but my smiles are adorned. 

Wednesday, 10 October 2018


পাহাড় চূড়ায় ঘর বেঁধেছি তোমায় একলা পাবো বলে,
চলতে গিয়ে থমকে দাঁড়াই তোমার সঙ্গে যাবো বলে। 
চারিপাশের বন্ধ দুয়ার খুলে যদি দাঁড়াই আবার চাইবো 
তুমি পাশে থাকো তোমার সঙ্গ চাই বলে।  
হাজার আলোর মহল ছেড়ে তারায় মোড়া আকাশটিরে 
করতে চাই আবার আপন, সে শুধু তোমার প্রিয় বলে।  

পাহাড় চূড়ায় ঘর বেঁধেছি তোমায় একলা পাবো বলে,
চলতে গিয়ে থমকে দাঁড়াই তোমার সঙ্গে যাবো বলে। 
এমনি করেই চাই যদি রোজ তোমায় করে নিতে আপন 
পাবো  ফিরে সেই  তোমাকে, আঁধার কালো হলে ?
মনের মাঝে প্রশ্ন যত  ভুলে থাকি অবিরত 
চেনা তোমায় বানায় যে পর সে ভয়ে ভীত বলে।